I Don't Need Fucking Tea, 2022.
This body of work explores misogyny in the medical profession and its historical bias towards women and how things like the menopause, depression etc. have been seen as ‘women’s problems’ and thereby not given the credence they deserve.
cThere is an interesting historical journey to take as we move through the centuries of the response to women’s health issues, from the wandering uterus, yes, it is a thing, (it started with Plato and continued to the 17th and 18th centuries. The thought of a uterus wandering around a woman’s body causing all sorts of chaos and mischief, is hilarious.) Then onto the definitions of hysteria, the influence of Freud and the progression of contemporary views of how mental health is seen today and how platitudes of tea, sympathy and a ton of biscuits with toxic positivity are not always the answer.