My Story
Welcome to a collection of my work and thank you for stopping by.
My art practice draws on injustice and it is inspired by politics. The politics of being a woman. The politics of holding those in power to account by expressing a point of view through the power of words, deeds and creativity. I call it ‘Artivism’. Nina Simone once said, ‘An artist’s duty… is to reflect the times. It’s their choice, but I CHOOSE to reflect the times and situations in which I find myself. That, to me, is my duty.’ I use my creative voice to develop narratives that speak to who I am, what I see and what I want to represent, by exploring themes on Feminism/Misogyny, Mental Health and an Exploration of Self.
In doing so the process of creating is as important as the end result with in-depth research and development of each theme. All work is approached with love, care, sometimes mischievousness and authenticity using a wide range of mixed media and sometimes a little alchemy. The written word is also an important part of my art practice, my aspiration is to make a positive contribution to Feminist Art History with my ongoing research and writing in the field of Age Studies in relation to the representation of Menopause in art and culture.
It is my belief that as humans we evolve, we grow, we seek experiences that enrich our life and we contribute positively to others regardless of how old we are. So, following a successful corporate career, where I learnt how to adapt in a ‘left-brain’ world, whilst expressing creativity in whatever way I could, I took steps to realise my creative potential. In 2020 I embraced a career change, completing a Foundation Course in Art and Design at Leith School of Art, Edinburgh where I won an award for the LSA Outstanding Work Prize at the end of year Exhibition. My artistic adventure continues at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, Dundee University where I am a final year Contemporary Art undergraduate.