me-no-pause, 2023

Stories of postmenopausal women over 50 are often left untold – what happens when the dryness starts?  By taking an uncompromising and irreverent look at what it feels like.

In 1969 there was a book published called, ‘Everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask’ it states, ‘as the ovaries stop the essence of being a woman stop’.  Well fuck that!  Life is not over its just irrevocably changed. Women are not passive victims, that live at the mercy of hormonal shifts, as women we mark a cycle of renewal and regeneration. We do not need to be the products of myths that are created for us by a part social construct.

Drawing on the domestic, subverting traditional female spaces, stereotypes and upcycling what is no longer useful to a postmenopausal woman; a body of work, ‘Me-No-Pause’ including ‘Parlez-Vous Me-No-Pause’ has been created, where nothing is as it appears.